In the previous video we saw How to create an AEM SPA component using Angularjs, but we found one problem, whenever
we made a change we had to refresh the page to see the changes.
In this second part I will show how to configure the sling model to expose the component's properties to fix
the issue, above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes.
- 1.
Have access to an Adobe Experience Manager instance. You will need aem 6.4 Service Pack 2 or newer.Have Maven installed, understand how it works and also understand how to use Adobe's archetype, you can watch my video about Adobe's archetype here: Creating an AEM Application using Adobe's archetype version 23 and avoiding typical issues
- 2.
Exposing the model
Go to your IDE or editor and look for the model inside the core module, the model name is BasicModel and should be located inside the models package
First, let’s set the model’s adaptables to SlingHttpServletRequest and import the class
import; @Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class)
Then we need to import and implement the ComponentExporter interface and also define the getExportedType method to return the name for the resource type associated with the basic component
import com.adobe.cq.export.json.ComponentExporter; ... public class BasicModel implements ComponentExporter { protected static final String BASIC_COMPONENT_RESOURCETYPE = "angularjs-simple-example/components/basic-component"; ... public String getExportedType() { return BASIC_COMPONENT_RESOURCETYPE; } ... }
Finally import ExporterConstants and the Exporter annotation, add the ComponentExporter as an adapter and define the resourceType. For the exporter set the name as SLING_MODEL_EXPORTER_NAME and the extension as SLING_MODEL_EXTENSION.
import; import com.adobe.cq.export.json.ExporterConstants;
@Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, adapters = {ComponentExporter.class}, resourceType = BASIC_COMPONENT_RESOURCETYPE) @Exporter(name = ExporterConstants.SLING_MODEL_EXPORTER_NAME, extensions = ExporterConstants.SLING_MODEL_EXTENSION)
Let’s build and deploy the app again
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage -Padobe-public
Go now to the page edit the component make some changes and click save, the changes get reflected right away
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