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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2019

House price prediction 3/4: What is One Hot Encoding

A series about creating a model using Python and Tensorflow and then importing the model and making predictions using Javascript in a Vue.js application, above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes. Here, in part 3 of this series, I will show what is and how does one hot encoding works. In the first post, called House price prediction 1/4: Using Keras/Tensorflow and python , I talked about how to create a model in python, pre-process a dataset I've already created, train a model, post-process, predict, and finally about creating different files for sharing some information about the data for use on the second part. Then in part 2, called House price prediction 2/4: Using Tensorflow.js, Vue.js and Javascript , I took the model, the data for pre and post processing and after loading everything we were finally able to predict ...