For quite some time now I've had the intention to learn how to use Maven and especially how to use it to manage the dependencies for my projects without having to do anything special. I share with you what is necessary to achieve the same thing in your own projects. First we need to have Maven installed. You can download Maven from Here so you can execute it from the console or you can install the plugin for eclipse, just search for a plugin called "m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse" in eclipse and install it. The next thing to do is to replace the commented code in the "pom.xml" by following the steps below: The, can be for example the package name of the project in which you use the pom for example com.domain.project. The artifact-id, might be something like domain-project (for domain-project.jar) or project (for project.jar) without taking into account the version. So for commons-logging-1.1.1.jar for example the artifact id