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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2020

How to Create Feature Toggles in AEM

In this is a tutorial I'll show how to configure and create Feature toggles in AEM using sling feature flags, above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes. 1. Pre-reqs Have access to an Adobe Experience Manager instance. You will need aem 6.4 Service Pack 2 or newer. Have Maven installed, understand how it works and also understand how to use Adobe's archetype, you can watch my video about maven here: Creating an AEM application using Maven and Adobe's archetype 2. Implementing feature toggles in AEM If needed, create the ...

Creating a tensorflow.js + react.js simple application in javascript

In this tutorial I will show how to create a really simple Tensorflow.js model and use it for predicting values using React.js, above is the video and below you will find some of the steps followed. 1. Pre-reqs Have node.js installed 2. React.js Reactjs is a javascript framework for building user interfaces which is mostly used for creating Single-Page Applications, I am going to use it to create a simple static but interactive site and then deploy it into github pages. First we need to create a React.js app ...

How to configure the Sling Model for the AEM Reactjs component

In the previous video we saw how to create an AEM component with react.js support but we found one problem, whenever we made a change we had to refresh the page to see the changes. In this second part I will show how to configure the sling model to expose the component's properties to fix the issue, above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes. 1. Pre-reqs Have access to an Adobe Experience Manager instance. You will need aem 6.4 Service Pack 2 or newer. Have Maven installed, understand how it works and also understand how to use Adobe's archetype, you can watch my video about maven here: Creating an AEM application using Maven and Adobe's archetype ...

How to create an AEM component using Reactjs

In this tutorial, I will show how to use use Adobe's archetype to create an AEM application with React.js support and also how to add a new React.js component so that it can be added into a page, above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes. In the second part we will see how to configure the Sling Model for the AEM React component. 1. Pre-reqs Have access to an Adobe Experience Manager instance. You will need aem 6.4 Service Pack 2 or newer. Have Maven installed, understand how it works and also understand how to use Adobe's archetype, you can watch my video about maven here: Creating an AEM application using Maven and Adobe's archetype 2....