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Exposing Reactjs component methods to Javascript or non-reactjs applications

If you want to integrate your javascript or non-reactjs application with a reactjs app and be able to access reactjs components and call their methods to execute actions or get information out of them, in this quick tips episode, you will learn how. Above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes.
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    Exposing React JS to Javascript or non-reactjs applications

    • For a component created using classes you just need to add a ref attribute when including the component:
      <ComponentName ref={(componentReference) => {window.componentReference = componentReference}}/>
    • If it is a component created using functions then, you would also need: to import forwardRef and useImperativeHandle
      import React, { useState, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle } from 'react';
    • Use forwardRef when defining the functional component:
      const YourFunctionalComponent = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    • Finally, inside the useImperativeHandle hook, you need to define the methods you need to expose:
      useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
          methodToExpose(name) {
              //Some code here!
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How to create an AEM component using Reactjs

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House price prediction 3/4: What is One Hot Encoding

A series about creating a model using Python and Tensorflow and then importing the model and making predictions using Javascript in a Vue.js application, above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes. Here, in part 3 of this series, I will show what is and how does one hot encoding works. In the first post, called House price prediction 1/4: Using Keras/Tensorflow and python , I talked about how to create a model in python, pre-process a dataset I've already created, train a model, post-process, predict, and finally about creating different files for sharing some information about the data for use on the second part. Then in part 2, called House price prediction 2/4: Using Tensorflow.js, Vue.js and Javascript , I took the model, the data for pre and post processing and after loading everything we were finally able to predict