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Creating a Local Private NPM registry using Verdaccio

If you want to be able to publish npm packages to a local npm registry so that they can be used and tested, either before publishing them to a remote one or because npm link or even yalc are not working for you or if you just need a really easy to use and install private npm registry, in this quick tips episode, you will learn how. Above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes.
  1. 1.


    • Have node.js installed
    • Have Docker installed
  2. 2.

    Using Verdaccio as a local Private NPM registry

    • Download Verdaccio’s image
      docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
      Start the container
      docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
      Open the server in the browser http://localhost:4873/
    • Add the user into Verdaccio:
      npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
      For publishing a package into Verdaccio use:
      npm publish --registry http://localhost:4873
    • For downloading the nodejs library, either, create a '.npmrc' at the root of your nodejs application:
      Or set the new private registry globally:
      npm set registry http://localhost:4873/
    • After that, as always use npm or yarn to install the package:
      npm install LIBRARY-NAME
  3. 3.


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