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Creating a tensorflow.js + vue.js simple application in javascript

This is a Tensorflow.js tutorial for creating a simple application using Vue.js, above is the vid and below you will find some of the steps followed.


  • Pre-reqs
  • Create the Vue.js application using nuxt.js
  • Add support for tensorflow.js in vue.js and add a simple model
  • Add the simple tensorflow.js model using vue.js into github pages

Create the Vue.js application using nuxt.js

  • Install vue.js cli
    • npm install -g vue-cli
  • Create a base Vue.js app using the starter kit from Nuxt
    • vue init nuxt-community/starter-template simple-vue-tensorflow
  • Start the dev server
    • npm run dev
  • Create empty component components/TensorflowExample.vue
  • Add the component into the page pages/index.vue

Add support for tensorflow.js in vue.js and add a simple model

  • Install tensorflow.js into the vue.js app
    • npm install --save @tensorflow/tfjs
  • Add the library into the vendor property on the nuxt.config file
  • Add the fields, simple model and css into the TensorflowExample component

Add the simple tensorflow.js model using vue.js into github pages

  • Add support for using subfolders at the start of the nuxt.config file
  • Install cross env for helping us configure the app for generating the html using subfolders
    • npm install cross-env --save-dev
  • Generate the tensorflow.js app into a subfolder
    • npm run generate:use-subfolder
  • Create a branch named gh-pages that is not connected to the master branch
    • git checkout --orphan gh-pages
    • git add -A
    • git commit -m "gh pages branch"
    • git push origin gh-pages

Template using tensorflow.js

  • For creating an application using tensorflow that is also configured for github pages
    • vue init drginm/tensorflow-js-vuejs-starter-template my-simple-vue-tensorflow-project



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