This is a Tensorflow.js tutorial for creating a simple application using Vue.js, above is the vid and below you will find
some of the steps followed.
Have node.js installed
Create the Vue.js application using nuxt.js
Add support for tensorflow.js in vue.js and add a simple model
Add the simple tensorflow.js model using vue.js into github pages
Create the Vue.js application using nuxt.js
Install vue.js cli
npm install -g vue-cli
Create a base Vue.js app using the starter kit from Nuxt
vue init nuxt-community/starter-template simple-vue-tensorflow
Start the dev server
npm run dev
Create empty component components/TensorflowExample.vue
Add the component into the page pages/index.vue
Add support for tensorflow.js in vue.js and add a simple model
Install tensorflow.js into the vue.js app
npm install --save @tensorflow/tfjs
Add the library into the vendor property on the nuxt.config file
Add the fields, simple model and css into the TensorflowExample component
Add the simple tensorflow.js model using vue.js into github pages
Add support for using subfolders at the start of the nuxt.config file
Install cross env for helping us configure the app for generating the html using subfolders
npm install cross-env --save-dev
Generate the tensorflow.js app into a subfolder
npm run generate:use-subfolder
Create a branch named gh-pages that is not connected to the master branch
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git add -A
git commit -m "gh pages branch"
git push origin gh-pages
Template using tensorflow.js
For creating an application using tensorflow that is also configured for github pages
vue init drginm/tensorflow-js-vuejs-starter-template my-simple-vue-tensorflow-project
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