This is a tutorial for creating a Selenium grid with Docker and Docker Compose using environment variables,
above is the vid and below you will find some useful notes.
- 1.
Have Docker installedHave the code for our previous Galen Tests project or your own set of selenium tests locally
- 2.
What is selenium grid
Selenium grid is set of services or applications that allows us to create a testing environment in which we can test against different combinations of browsers and operating systems. You can also use it to run tests in parallel.Selenium grid consists of two parts. A hub that receives the selenium test commands, like click on this button or enter some text on a textfield, and passes them to the appropriate nodes.
And the nodes that register themselves against the selenium hub providing to it the information of each node’s running environment, like, the operating system (for example windows, linux or mac), browser (like firefox or chrome), the version, and so on. The nodes are the ones that run the tests against the actual browsers.
- 3.
How to use envioronment variables in Docker Compose
Create a .env file in the same folder as your docker-compose.yml file
#Add some comments VARIABLE_NAME=value
Then, you can use the environment variable inside the docker-compose.yml file
version: '3' services: my-service: image: image ports: - "2222:${VARIABLE_NAME}"
You can set the environment variables on your OS by calling export
export HUB_SERVICE_PORT=5555
Or you can clear the environment variables by calling unset
Check the current configurations for Docker Compose given the current values for the environment variables
docker-compose config
- 4.
How to create a simple selenium grid with a hub and a node using Docker Compose
Configure the Selenium Hub
version: '3' services: hub: image: "selenium/hub" environment: - GRID_HUB_PORT=${HUB_SERVICE_PORT} ports: - "${HUB_SERVICE_PORT}:${HUB_SERVICE_PORT}"
Configure the node (You can replace "BROWSER" below with "chrome" or "firefox" for example)
selenium-node-BROWSER: image: "selenium/node-BROWSER" environment: - HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=${HUB_SERVICE_URL} - HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=${HUB_SERVICE_PORT} depends_on: - "hub"
Start the hub and the nodes using docker compose
docker-compose up
Check the selenium grid status given the ip for docker containers
If you want to scale a particular service (you can replace "SERVICE-NAME=NUMBER-OF" below with "selenium-node-chrome" and "NUMBER-OF-INSTANCES" with 5 for example)
docker-compose up --scale SERVICE-NAME=NUMBER-OF-INSTANCES
- 5.
Use galen to execute the tests against the local selenium grid
Run the galen tests using docker
docker run -v $(pwd):/workdir -it local/galen test tests/ --htmlreport reports "-Dgalen.browserFactory.selenium.runInGrid=true" "-Dgalen.browserFactory.selenium.grid.url="
- 6.
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